понедельник, 1 февраля 2016 г.

#5: having a crush

Strangely enough just a bit more than 2 weeks ago I was writing about my inability to get over my previous big love. That feeling was still a part of me and it wasn't going away. Yes I managed to live through fully, but it changed me and it was a point of no return.

On Tuesday I just put this feeling into words, and on Friday I realised that I'm crazily in love and my heart was dancing, stopping, jumping, falling. I had a crush. From that time on my heart continued doing its crazy dance every time I would see him or get a text from him. This week was filled with intense emotions and special moments.

It just feels so right to be madly in love again, to have my heart change its beat and do crazy things, to have my hands trembling and my breath go away.

It is real, it is fresh, it is complete.

The walls of my town, they come crumbling down. Like all the shit that happened to me has never existed. Like I never got destroyed and wasn't bitter and depressed for years.

I am able to fall in love completely. I am able to love with all my heart.

I believe in people, I am happy to wake up in the morning despite the weather.
I believe in love.

And I know that love won't betray me.

#34: TD

I was TD free for 3 days. Yes it took only 3 days for U (or St H) to assign me a new one. Now again all I think of is TD. I am so grate...