суббота, 16 января 2016 г.

#3: past love

The reason I put you here is that it's not about you, it is about the feeling. Yes, it kept me depressed for.... 7 to 20 months depending on how I see it, but back then.... the feeling itself was strong, beautiful and pure. It was so fuckin pure, naive, and innocent.

You turned my whole life inside out. You made me what I am right now. Is it a good change? Was it worthwhile? I don't know, and it's not the point.

The point is I've never been so overwhelmingly in love ever since. I was in love afterwards more than once. I was happy, I was inspired, I was heartbroken, I was depressed. But never to THAT extent.

I grew older? Became more experienced? Got scared to fall apart again?

When I think about you, I just remember how beautiful and fulfilling it is actually to be in love, to be breathing somebody else, to care so much.

I'm not depressed anymore, I'm not in love with you anymore, I don't wanna hear from you ever again. Our story is over. I actually wonder now if you are that incredible and unique or I just wanted to see you that way?

Sometimes I wanna fall in love that much again, but I can't tell whether this desire is stronger or my fear of getting destroyed.

My love is like a soldier, loyal till I die.

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#34: TD

I was TD free for 3 days. Yes it took only 3 days for U (or St H) to assign me a new one. Now again all I think of is TD. I am so grate...