воскресенье, 19 июня 2016 г.

#24: Swimming

As long as I can properly swim I was going to the swimming pool every week no excuses. No matter where I lived I always had a swimming pool nearby.

Until I moved here. Here the pool is in the middle of nowhere. Literally. You have to take highway, pass railway tracks, pass a dump, a cemetery, and a wasteland.
Also add the fact that it has been raining every day since I decided it is warm enough to cycle all the way there.

So it is quite a challenge to get there.

But then.... it feels like home. Finally getting back to water. I haven't swum for almost a year but it just feels as good and easy as always.

So once it is not raining I am there again. 

#23: Ashtanga

Actually nothing to be proud of as it took me 3 years to start Ashtanga. I spent all this time saying I want to practise it instead of just starting practising it.

Finally turned on a video class yesterday and hated every second of it, because I got so terribly weak and off training that I was suffering all the way through.

I just hope and pray that I will stick to it.

Practice practice practice

#22: Sunrise run

It is incredibly hard for me to do one, that's one of the reasons it feels so special. Especially in summer. Good morning, 5 am.

Among others are: completely asleep city, loudly singing birds, amazingly fresh air, breath-taking beauty. I can even tolerate the city centre that early.

Last but not least, it gives a feeling of power. I am out here Sun, greeting you. I got up first and I run almost 4K to get here to see you.

How to do a sunrise run in most of the countries (I lived in):
1 decide to do it
2 wake up before the Sun
3 run

How to do a sunrise run in the Netherlads:
1 pray there is a sunrise

вторник, 14 июня 2016 г.

#21: Chess

I absolutely love thinking.
At the same time I frequently have so much stuff on my mind that I can't think nor concentrate.

But when I play chess, I can sit there starring at the board for hours, without my thoughts travelling much and without checking my phone at all.  I'm very bad at chess, but I love the chance to think it provides.

Moreover, I love playing real chess, so I can finally take a break from a computer.

Unfortunately I play so badly, that I can barely beat somebody, but competitive me enjoys the possibility to try to out-think my opponent. Of course it is only fun to play with somebody I know and somebody I suspect to be smarter than me.

My never-coming-true dream is to play with my crush. I know I will lose, but it would have been so thrilling. I would love to see how long I would survive against him.

#20: Racing

I haven't been racing for 1.5 years, and I haven't done more than 5K races for almost 2 years.
I like the idea of training for the race, but I am never ready even if sticked to my plan.

I love the atmosphere of a race. I like so many fit people around. I love outrunning people one by one. I love people cheering and clapping when you pass by.

This time I was amazed by a family who just put the chairs in front of their house and were sitting there watching us running and cheering, just because the route happened to literally pass their house.

I felt great during this race despite the lack of physical activity for the last (2 month) week and being sick. I start thinking that the only cause of my running problem is in my head and it is drama. Drama in my life. No drama means perfect run!

I feel alive.

#19: Yoga

Yoga brings countless number of benefits. For your physical and mental health, life philosophy, knowledge in so many aspects of life, joy and happiness, challenge.
Honestly, I almost forgot how much I love it.
The problem is I have to practise it myself, as I don't have a teacher.
I do want to practise myself, but I also want to have a teacher, to talk to somebody again, to learn from somebody again, to get inspired and adore.
I always had a teacher, but not for last....almost three years.

Does it mean that I am not ready?

вторник, 7 июня 2016 г.

#18: living with friends

Life happens outside your parents house.

I do think that independence and freedom are absolutely necessary for a young person, but this is not the point of this post.

Youth is the time to be crazy, to do silly things and to be around other young people.

It's a blessing to go through so many experiences and get very close with basically complete strangers.
To have someone to watch Interstellar with you when you are sick.
To spend endless evenings drinking beer and discussing life.
To bike, to shop, to cook, to eat, to discuss guys, to roast each other, to plan crazy parties, to clean the house, to destroy the house, to fix the house, to run into their room shouting 'you know what he did???'
To know too much about each other.

To feel at home around them.

понедельник, 6 июня 2016 г.

#17: Change

What do they say? If it doesn't hurt, you are not changing.

I love changes.
Although I have to admit this time it is going bad and I am failing miserably. I am keep being a mess, but I keep tearing everything apart and destroying my relationship with everyone I love.
I hope that self-control will kick in before I'm chocking off.

I know I can.
I can.

#16: Breaking free

About 10 posts (and half a year ago) I was falling in love. It was happy, it was fresh, delightful and exciting for a while, but then after a while at it happens to me every time I found myself being extremely addicted to the person. I always get stuck in the place and to the person. My life becomes centred around him alone. I suffer, I lose the will to live, I spend all the time in my bed, I feel like it's the end of the world.

And then I break free.
I love this feeling of awakening, of life running through my veins.
I enjoy seeing him and thinking 'oh yeah, I can just pass by without being struck by lightening'
I adore newly discovered abilities to think and concentrate.

As I always say:

It was fun while it lasted

#15: Warwick

I talk about Warwick University but we just call it Warwick.
And Warwick is love.
My life got divided in 3 parts: before Warwick, Warwick, and after Warwick.

Meeting somebody from Warwick is like seeing a sibling.
Discussing Warwick is pure happiness. I can go on forever. This is what can make my evening.

Warwick I miss you...

#34: TD

I was TD free for 3 days. Yes it took only 3 days for U (or St H) to assign me a new one. Now again all I think of is TD. I am so grate...